“How does your school empower teacher teams to drive their own professional learning?”
This question begins the reflection at the end of one of my favorite chapters of any educational book. Chapter 17 of the book “Peer Power: Unite, Learn and Prosper: Activate an Assessment Revolution” is titled “Empowering Teacher Teams to Drive Their Learning: Transforming Professional Learning with Impact Team Inquiry.”
As educators we study “best practices” and work to reproduce them in our own situations. However, by the time these practices reach our students, there is often a need for something more. Learning in an ever-changing world requires innovation and Impact Team Inquiry is a powerful way to encourage, refine, and implement the innovations necessary for each of our students to thrive. No one is better suited to determine and respond to the problems or puzzles facing their learners than the teachers who spend their days with them.
Chapter 17 outlines a research-based approach that we have seen work with countless teams. Download a free copy and let us know how it empowers you to tackle issues facing your team, explore your personal passions, and design the pathway that enables you to realize your collective dreams.