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Core Collaborative Leadership Coaching

Get to know our personal leadership coaches and their areas of expertise

Core Collaborative Leadership Coaching provides personalized leadership coaching for schools and systems as they reimagine education to work for ALL students, families, schools, and communities. Core Collaborative Leadership Coaching provides targeted leadership coaching support in:

  • Quality family partnership development
  • School climate
  • Instructional leadership
  • Clarity for Learning
  • Leading Impact Teams: Building a Culture of Efficacy
  • Leading Impact Teams MTSS Framework
  • Assessment for learning
  • Relevant learning: Rigorous PBL by Design
  • Integrated and Designated English Language Development

Coaches and Authors

Find out more about our coaches who are published authors in their area(s) of expertise.

  • Leading Impact Teams
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Instruction and Response to Intervention (MTSS-RTI)

Author of: Peer Power: Unite-learn-prosper, Leading Impact Teams, the EmpowerED Learner eToolkit, Amplify learner Voice through Culturally responsive and Sustaining Assessment.

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Portrait of Lori Cook

  • Mathematics
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Clarity for Learning
  • Leading Impact Teams

Author of: Peer Power: Unite-learn-prosper

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Portrait of Alan Daly

Personalized Coaching in:

  • School Climate
  • Managing Change in Schools
  • Organizational Network Mapping

Author of: Social Network Theory

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Portrait of Tom Hierck.

Personalized Coaching in:

  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Instruction and Response to Intervention (MTSS-RTI)
  • School Climate
  • Trauma-Informed Instruction
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Developing Resilient Leaders
  • Competency Based Grading

Author of: Pyramid of Behavior interventions, RTI is a Verb, Managing Unstoppable Learning. Starting a Movement, Seven Keys to a Positive Learning Environment in your Classroom, Grading for Impact, Trauma-sensitive instruction

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Portrait of Rachel Carillo Fairchild

Personalized coaching in:

  • Reaching and Teaching Multilingual Learners
  • Leading Impact Teams
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Clarity for Learning
  • Integrated and Designated English Language Development
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching | Teaching Diverse Learners

Author of: Peer Power, Common Formative Assessments for English Language Learners, How to Reach and Teach English Language Learners

More about Rachel

Personalized coaching in:

  • Student Involvement and Engagement
  • Questioning
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Ed Tech Tools

Prolific author of several books, including Hacking Questions

Connie's bio

Portrait of Barb Pitchford

Personalized coaching in:

  • Leading Impact Teams
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Instructional Leadership

Author of: Leading Impact Teams, Peer Power

More about Barb

Portrait of Marisol Quevedo Rerucha

Personalized coaching in:

  • Quality Parent Partnerships
  • School Climate
  • Restorative Practices
  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

Author of: Beyond the Surface of Restorative Practice

More about Marisol

Personalized Coaching in:

  • Leading Impact Teams
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Clarity for Learning: Leadership, Educator, and Learner
  • Integrated and Designated English Language Development
  • Early Literacy
  • Learner Dispositions

Author of: Standards and Assessment, The EmpowerED Learner eToolkit

About Loan

Portrait of Michael McDowell, Ed.D.

Personalized coaching in:

  • Rigorous PBL by Design
  • Learner Dispositions
  • Transfer of Learning

Prolific author, including: The Project Habit, Teaching for Transfer, Rigorous PBL by Design

More about Michael

Portrait of Kara Vandas

Personalized coaching in:

  • Clarity for Learning
  • Learner Dispositions
  • Learning Process
  • Building and Sustaining Efficacy in Schools and Systems
  • Leading Impact Teams

Author of: Clarity for Learning, Partnering with Students, Peer Power

Kara's Bio

Portrait of Dr. Carolyn Gery.

Personalized coaching in:

  • Resiliency
  • Trauma-Informed Instruction
  • Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
  • Relational Literacy

Author of: Beyond the Surface of Restorative Practices

Carolyn's bio

Portrait of Ainsley Rose

Personalized coaching in:

  • Learning Process & Metacognition
  • Quality Implementation
  • Clarity for Learning
  • Leadership Strategies
  • Assessment for Learning
  • Learner Dispositions

Author of: The Principal as Assessment Leader, Learning for the Future, The Teacher as Assessment Leader, The Collaborative Teacher

More about Ainsley

Portrait of Katie Smith

Personalized coaching in:

  • Assessment literacy
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Leading Impact Teams
  • Professional Learning
  • Strategic planning

Author of: Peer Power

get to know Katie

Principal Coaching

Get to know the rest of our coaches, who may not have published books but are definitely experts in their content areas!

Portrait of Zak Cohen.

  • Mistake Literacy: Learning From Mistakes
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Student Involvement and Engagement
  • Ed Tech Tools

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Black and white portrait of Dr. Carol Cronk

  • Leading Impact Teams
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Mathematics
  • MTSS

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Portrait of Kristin Rademaker

  • Science Instruction
  • Science Storyline by Design
  • Special Education
  • Parent University
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Assessment for Learning

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Portrait of Aaron Eisberg

  • Rigorous PBL by Design
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Clarity for Learning: Leadership, Educators, and Learners
  • Rigor: Transfer of Learning

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Portrait of Dr. Ingrid Twyman

  • School Climate
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Pedagogy
  • Supporting English Language Development
  • Leading Impact Teams

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Black and white portrait of Dr. Jamie Valenzuela-Mumau

  • Parent University
  • Leading Impact Teams
  • Climate and Culture
  • MTSS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

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Portrait of Anthony Lodico.

  • Leading Impact Teams
  • Systems Assessments
  • Managing Change in Districts
  • Instructional Leadership

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Black and white portrait of Michelle Giroux.

  • Leading Impact Teams
  • Formative Assessment Process
  • Ed Tech Tools

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Content Areas

  • Engaging Families in Shared Decision Making
  • Providing Targeted Support to Families Regarding Professional Learning Opportunities
  • Creating Quality Connections with Learners and Families

  • Self-Care, Resiliency, Trauma Informed Instruction, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Building a Restorative Culture
  • Core Connections Climate Inventory
  • Equity: Building Schools that Work for All

  • Implementing Strategies that Accelerate Learning
  • Developing Dispositional Learning: Teaching Students How to Learn
  • Gathering, Analyzing, and Acting on Data to Improve Learning

  • Making Sense of Standards: Unpacking for Success
  • Implementing the Peer Power Framework
  • Planning for Rigor: Transfer of Learning

  • Engaging in Continuous Improvement Cycles Through Collaborative Inquiry
  • Strengthening Teacher and Learner Agency
  • Building Student Efficacy and Healthy Learner Identities

  • Creating a Balanced Assessment Framework
  • Implementing High Impact, Differentiated, Tiered Instruction Aligned to the UDL Framework
  • Developing Culturally Responsive Supports and Resources
  • Integrating the Restorative Supports and Relational Literacy Necessary for Academic,
  • Social, and Emotional Success
  • Increasing Community Based Support

  • Implementing Self- and Peer Assessment
  • Partnering for Reflection and Goal Setting
  • Integrating Dispositional Learning

  • Developing a Positive Learning Culture in the Class, School, and District
  • Designing Transfer Tasks and Experiences for Authentic Engagement
  • Creating and Supporting Effective Student Teams

  • Increasing Language Complexity and Proficiency
  • Developing Language Skills Within Content Areas
  • Effective Assessment and Acceleration with Language Learners

Let's Connect

Relationships are key to learning. Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch to help match you with a coach who has not only the right skillset, but a personality that will compliment your own.

Prefer to talk on the phone? No problem! You can give us a call at: 619-432-2673

This form is on the "Let's Connect" Section on the Homepage

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