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Equity is Love in Action Conference 2024

Town and Country Resort San Diego
Jan 18—19, 2024

Join hundreds of educators, parents, students, policymakers, advocates, and community members to advance educational equity for all students at the 2024 Equity Conference.

The Equity Conference will be an opportunity to grow and learn as we work to make our campuses safe spaces for all students, staff members, and families, where they feel honored and valued.

We look forward to coming together with a renewed sense of purpose to transform our individual and collective equity work and create places of exceptional vision, hope, and opportunity for every student.

The Role Esteem has on Student Engagement

Connie Hamilton
9:45 am - 10:45 am PST | Jan 19, 2024 | Pacific Room E

The social and emotional needs of students impact students’ willingness to engage. Author of Hacking Questions, Connie Hamilton will share how esteem plays a role in the level of engagement in classrooms. In this interactive session you will learn how to honor esteem to create a safe and active learning environment for all students.

Belonging and Academic Achievement

Michael De Sousa
9:45 am - 10:45 am PST | Jan 19, 2024 | Pacific Room D

When our students enter our classrooms feeling like they can’t and then leave knowing they didn’t, it creates a vicious cycle where students feel like they don’t belong. Conversely, students feel greater belonging when they succeed academically.
Districts across the country are working to accelerate learning after the pandemic. We also recognize the challenges many students face with their social and emotional health. In this session, we will explore the reciprocal relationship between belonging and academic achievement. Leaders will leave the session ready to create more coherent and aligned plans that accelerate learning and students’ sense of belonging.

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