Each month, The Core Collaborative (TCC) highlights some of the fantastic work happening in our learning network. Keep scrolling for September news!

Impact Teams in the UK: The Best is Yet to Come
We are excited to have launched Impact Teams in the United Kingdom in partnership with Osiris Education and the Vines Academy Trust. Sixty passionate educators began their journey of empowering teacher teams to drive their professional learning while strengthening student ownership of learning. These teachers and leaders left with the tools they need to build their capacity from within and we can’t wait to hear about their successes. As our Chief Learning Officer and Founder, Paul Bloomberg tweeted, “The Visible Learning Research has connected us and now we are connected through friendship…the best is yet to come.” > Visit the Osiris Impact Teams page

Core Connections: Leading Student Success Through Systems
Although education is not quite the same as a business, we can improve our delivery and our service: how we interact with students, parents and the community. > Read David M. Horton’s article.

EmpowerED Learners: Giveaway Time!
The latest book from Mimi & Todd press, Peer Power, is all about how to use the peer feedback framework to empower learners. Get a sense of what Peer Power has to offer! > Download Peer Power excerpt

Impact Teams Success Story: HS Biology Teacher Shares the Power of Using the EAA Protocol

Tip of the Month: 5 Steps for Listening to Remember

IncludED Spotlight: Belongingness Precedes Achievement
Teachers and school leaders at Michael J. Petrides School in Staten Island, NY are partnering with students to support positive mindsets and relationships for everyone in the building. > Find out More!