When educators unpack standards for clarity to ensure rigor, they unlock the potential for powerful, focused teaching and learning. The process of dissecting standards allows us to identify big ideas, craft essential questions, and establish clear assessment criteria or key competencies. Using tools like ChatGPT can streamline and deepen this process, ensuring instructional design aligns with the intended rigor of standards. Furthermore, planning core instruction at varying levels of Depth of Knowledge (DOK) while maintaining a balance of surface, deep, and transfer learning is essential for student success. This blog explores how to leverage these strategies and tools with examples from the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and the C3 Social Studies Framework.

Step 1: Unpacking Competencies

Unpacking competencies begins with understanding what the standard asks students to know and do. This involves:

  1. Identifying Key Concepts and Skills: Highlight the nouns (concepts) and verbs (skills) in the standard.
  2. Determining the Big Ideas: Ask, “What is the overarching understanding students should retain long after they’ve learned this?”
  3. Crafting Essential Questions: Develop open-ended questions that drive inquiry and provoke deeper thinking.
  4. Establishing Assessment Criteria or Key Competencies: Determine what success looks like, aligned to the rigor and intent of the standard.

ChatGPT Prompts for Unpacking Standards:

  • “What are the key concepts and skills in the following standard: [insert standard]?”
  • “Can you suggest a big idea for this standard: [insert standard]?”
  • “Help me craft essential questions based on this standard: [insert standard].”
  • “What would be appropriate assessment criteria for this standard: [insert standard]?”

Step 2: Designing Questions Across Levels of Rigor

Depth of Knowledge (DOK) provides a structured way to design questions and activities that align with surface, deep, and transfer levels of learning:

  1. DOK Level 1 (Surface Learning): Focus on foundational knowledge and skills, such as recalling facts or performing simple tasks. Surface learning builds the base necessary for higher-level thinking.
    • Example: Define key vocabulary like “force” and “motion” in NGSS 3-PS2-1.
    • Strategy: Use direct instruction, vocabulary development, and retrieval practice.
  2. DOK Level 2 (Deep Learning): Emphasize making connections, understanding patterns, and organizing knowledge. Deep learning moves students beyond memorization into applying concepts in structured ways.
    • Example: Explain how balanced and unbalanced forces affect an object’s motion in different scenarios.
    • Strategy: Implement concept mapping, guided discussions, and analysis of examples.
  3. DOK Level 3 (Transfer Learning): Require strategic thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving. Transfer learning involves applying knowledge to novel or complex situations.
    • Example: Predict how an object will behave under changing forces and justify your reasoning.
    • Strategy: Engage students in project-based learning, problem-solving tasks, and metacognitive strategies.
  4. DOK Level 4 (Extended Transfer Learning): Involve extended analysis, synthesis, and evaluation over time. Tasks often require integrating multiple skills and concepts.
    • Example: Design an experiment to test how surface texture impacts the effects of forces on motion.
    • Strategy: Incorporate extended projects and collaborative investigations.

ChatGPT Prompts for DOK-Based Questions:

  • “Create DOK Level 1 questions for this standard: [insert standard].”
  • “Generate DOK Level 2 questions that help students connect and organize knowledge for this standard: [insert standard].”
  • “What are some DOK Level 3 questions requiring reasoning and problem-solving for this standard: [insert standard]?”
  • “Provide examples of DOK Level 4 questions involving extended thinking for this standard: [insert standard].”

Example: CCSS Reading Literature Standard (RL.5.2)

Standard: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters respond to challenges or how the speaker reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.

  • Big Idea: Stories reveal universal themes that connect human experiences.
  • Essential Questions:
    • What themes can we uncover in stories, and how do they connect to our lives?
    • How do the characters’ challenges and responses shape the story’s theme?
  • Assessment Criteria:
    • Identify textual evidence to support a theme.
    • Analyze how characters respond to challenges.
    • Summarize the text accurately.
  • DOK-Based Questions:
    • Level 1 (Surface Learning): What challenges does the main character face?
    • Level 2 (Deep Learning): How does the character’s response to challenges reveal the theme?
    • Level 3 (Transfer Learning): Compare how two characters’ responses to challenges highlight the story’s central theme.
    • Level 4 (Extended Transfer Learning): Write a new ending to the story that changes its theme, explaining your reasoning.

ChatGPT Prompts for This Example:

  • “What is a big idea for CCSS RL.5.2?”
  • “Create essential questions for RL.5.2.”
  • “Generate DOK-based questions for RL.5.2, including all levels of rigor.”

Example: NGSS Standard (3-PS2-1)

Standard: Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object.

  • Big Idea: Forces influence motion in predictable ways.
  • Essential Questions:
    • How do forces affect the motion of objects?
    • What evidence can we gather to explain balanced and unbalanced forces?
  • Assessment Criteria:
    • Design and conduct investigations.
    • Analyze data to identify patterns of motion.
    • Explain how forces affect objects.
  • DOK-Based Questions:
    • Level 1 (Surface Learning): What are examples of balanced and unbalanced forces?
    • Level 2 (Deep Learning): How can we measure the effects of forces on an object’s motion?
    • Level 3 (Transfer Learning): Predict how an object will move when forces acting on it change.
    • Level 4 (Extended Transfer Learning): Design an experiment to test how surface texture impacts the effects of forces on motion.

ChatGPT Prompts for This Example:

  • “What is a big idea for NGSS 3-PS2-1?”
  • “Suggest essential questions for NGSS 3-PS2-1.”
  • “Create DOK-aligned questions for NGSS 3-PS2-1.”

Example: C3 Framework Standard (D2.Civ.6.3-5)

Standard: Describe ways people can work together to make community decisions and solve problems.

  • Big Idea: Collaboration and civic engagement are essential for community problem-solving.
  • Essential Questions:
    • How can people collaborate to make decisions in their communities?
    • What strategies are effective for solving community problems?
  • Assessment Criteria:
    • Describe examples of civic decision-making.
    • Propose solutions to community problems.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of collaborative strategies.
  • DOK-Based Questions:
    • Level 1 (Surface Learning): What are examples of decisions made in a community?
    • Level 2 (Deep Learning): How do community members work together to solve problems?
    • Level 3 (Transfer Learning): Analyze a historical example of community collaboration to solve a problem.
    • Level 4 (Extended Transfer Learning): Develop a plan for addressing a current community issue through civic engagement.

ChatGPT Prompts for This Example:

  • “What is a big idea for C3 Framework D2.Civ.6.3-5?”
  • “Help me create essential questions for D2.Civ.6.3-5.”
  • “Generate questions across all DOK levels for D2.Civ.6.3-5.”

Example: CCSS Math Standard (7.RP.2)

Standard: Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities.

Big Idea: Proportional relationships help us understand and compare real-world situations and solve problems involving ratios and rates.

  • Essential Questions:
    • How can proportional relationships be used to solve real-world problems?
    • What strategies help us identify and represent proportional relationships?
    • How do proportional relationships connect to other mathematical concepts?
  • Assessment Criteria:
    • Identify proportional relationships from tables, graphs, equations, and verbal descriptions.
    • Represent proportional relationships using equations and graphs.
    • Solve real-world and mathematical problems using proportional reasoning.
  • DOK-Based Questions:
    • Level 1 (Surface Learning): What is a ratio? Identify the constant of proportionality in the equation y=3xy = 3x.
    • Level 2 (Deep Learning): How can you determine if a relationship is proportional using a table? Create a graph to represent a proportional relationship where the constant of proportionality is 5.
    • Level 3 (Transfer Learning): A recipe calls for 3 cups of sugar for every 4 cups of flour. If you want to make half the recipe, how much sugar and flour will you need? Analyze the graph of a proportional relationship to determine its real-world meaning (e.g., speed, cost).
    • Level 4 (Extended Transfer Learning): Design and solve a real-world scenario involving proportional relationships, such as planning a road trip where fuel consumption depends on miles driven. Represent your solution using graphs, equations, and verbal explanations.

ChatGPT Prompts for This Example:

  • “What is a big idea for CCSS 7.RP.2?”
  • “Suggest essential questions for CCSS 7.RP.2.”
  • “Generate DOK-aligned questions for CCSS 7.RP.2 at all levels.”
  • “Provide examples of real-world problems that align with 7.RP.2 involving proportional reasoning.”

Step 3: Planning First Instruction to Ensure Rigor

Planning instruction requires a deliberate approach to balance surface, deep, and transfer learning. Using John Hattie’s research, we can select strategies aligned with the level of rigor:

  1. Surface Learning: Build foundational knowledge and skills through direct instruction and practice. Strategies such as vocabulary development (effect size 0.67) and spaced practice (effect size 0.60) are highly effective at this level.
    • Example: Teach vocabulary terms like “force” and “motion” for NGSS 3-PS2-1.
  2. Deep Learning: Encourage connections and relationships among ideas. Strategies like concept mapping (effect size 0.64) and classroom discussion (effect size 0.82) can deepen understanding.
    • Example: Analyze how forces act in everyday scenarios and connect to the standard.
  3. Transfer Learning: Apply knowledge in new and authentic contexts. Problem-based learning (effect size 0.68) and metacognitive strategies (effect size 0.60) help students transfer learning effectively.
    • Example: Design a Rube Goldberg machine demonstrating balanced and unbalanced forces.

Why Balancing Rigor Matters

Ensuring a balance of surface, deep, and transfer learning ensures all students have equitable access to rigorous instruction. It addresses the diverse needs of learners by scaffolding complexity while maintaining high expectations. Discussing and planning the right level of rigor is essential to:

  • Avoid over-simplifying complex standards.
  • Prevent overwhelming students with tasks beyond their current capabilities.
  • Promote engagement and challenge for all learners.

Using ChatGPT to Support This Process

ChatGPT can serve as a co-planner, helping educators:

  • Generate big ideas and essential questions based on unpacked standards.
  • Develop DOK-aligned questions and tasks.
  • Brainstorm instructional activities that balance surface, deep, and transfer learning.
  • Provide examples and explanations tailored to specific standards.

General ChatGPT Prompts for Planning Instruction:

  • “Suggest surface, deep, and transfer learning activities for [insert standard].”
  • “How can I scaffold instruction for this standard: [insert standard]?”
  • “Provide examples of tasks that balance all three levels of learning for [insert standard].”
  • “Recommend strategies based on John Hattie’s research for teaching [insert standard] at surface, deep, and transfer levels.”

Final Thoughts

Unpacking standards is a strategic process that lays the foundation for impactful teaching and learning. By determining big ideas, essential questions, and assessment criteria, and designing instruction across levels of rigor, educators ensure students are challenged and supported. Leveraging tools like ChatGPT enhances this process, fostering collaboration and efficiency. Together, these strategies empower educators to create classrooms where all students thrive.