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Practical strategies to incorporate right away. Inspirational success stories from our school partners. Calls to action from our leadership team. No matter the topic, count on The Core Collaborative blog for high-quality content written from the heart and backed by research.

Our greatest hope is that ideas presented here will change the world for the better.

Learner-Centered Instruction

Educators, Learn to Pivot to Maintain Continuity in the Classroom
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Learner-Centered Curriculum

Negative Space, And What We’re Missing Without It
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Learner-Centered Curriculum

Clarity Helps to Emphasize the Learning in PBL Instead of the Product
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Learner-Centered Assessment

First Graders Use “Glow and Grow” Protocols to Help Each Other
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IncludED - Equity & Inclusion

Tune in to Episode 2 of the 2ManyAdultsInTheRoom Podcast
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Learner-Centered Leadership

Opportunities at a Distance
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Learner-Centered Assessment

Grading Conferences in a Distance Learning Environment
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Learner-Centered Assessment

Empowering Students with Dispositional Learning
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Learner-Centered Leadership

Learning Without Burning Out
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School Climate

TCC Master Class: Mindset and Heartset: Discussing Restorative Practices
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Learner-Centered Instruction

Are You Ready to Empower Learners? We Can Help
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IncludED - Equity & Inclusion / School Climate

Am I Good Enough? Do you See me? Am I on the Inside or the Outside?
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